The Herbal Moon Lore Botanical 12 Month Calendar

By Lilithdeanu

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The Herbal Moon Lore Botanical 12 Month Calendar

Fully customizable The Herbal Moon Lore Botanical 12 Month Calendar created by LILITHDEANU. Personalize this product with your own text and images (if the design allows it) and create a gift for yourself, a loved one, for your event or your business. Product Type Zazzle Calendar. Style Onepage Calendar. Color Category Black.

The Herbal Moon Lore Calendar is based on the names of the 12 full moons that occur within a year from the Farmers Almanac. Each moon month page, for this calendar, is titled with the name of the traditional name of the full moon that falls within that month. Because the phases of the moon takes 29.53059 days (29 days, 12 hrs, 44 min and 3 seconds) to complete each cycle or lunar month, each full lunar month varies from year to year where and on what days it will land. This causes most lunar months to straddle parts of two adjacent common (Gregorian) calendar months most of the time. For this reason this calendar does not show the actual phases of the moon, so that this calendar design may be used for not only this year, but for every year to come. The calendar portion is automatically updated year to year and is superimposed over this calendar’s design. The dates for the phases of the moon for any calendar month can be found at The University of Texas McDonald Observatory website Star Date’s “Moon Phase Calculator” page: I encourage you to go to the Star Date website and fill in the New, 1st Quarter, Full, 3rd Quarter, and Dark Mon dates on your new Herbal Moon Lore Calendar. The illustrations for this calendar are from the works of 19th century botanical artist Franz Eugen Köhler These botanical painting are from his book: Koehlers Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen und kurz erläuterndem Texte, 1887, Gera - Germany -öhler's_Medizinal-Pflanzen_-_english “Kohler's Medicinal Plants ... is a German rare medicinal guide published by Franz Eugen Köhler in 1887 in three volumes. It was written by Hermann Köhler, edited by Gustav Pabst, and contains some 300 full page chromolithography plates by the illustrators Walther Müller, C.F. Schmidt, and K. Gunther.” -öhler

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Product ID: 158813273156647969
Date Created: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 09:07:19 GMT