Create Your Own Custom Guitar Pick

By Malibuitalian

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Create Your Own Custom Guitar Pick

Fully customizable Create Your Own Custom Guitar Pick created by MALIBUITALIAN. Personalize this product with your own text and images (if the design allows it) and create a gift for yourself, a loved one, for your event or your business. Product Type Groverallman Guitarpick. Style Standard.

Upload your own photo to this personalized guitar pick. You can customize this product with any non-copyright image of your choosing. PLEASE NOTE: If you upload an image of a celebrity, sports figure or other famous person or brand, Zazzle will automatically cancel your order so to avoid this issue, do not upload photographs of this type. If you need assistance to fit your image to this product, please use the send message feature attached to this store and we will be happy to assist. This design is copyright protected and may not be copied or redistributed. For inquiries about this or other designs in this store, or if you need assistance with customization, please use the send message feature attached to this store and we will be happy to assist

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Product Info

Product ID: 256776114933624692
Date Created: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:30:20 GMT