Qr Code And Headshot Business Card

By Customizepersonalize

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Qr Code And Headshot Business Card

Fully customizable Qr code and headshot business card created by CUSTOMIZEPERSONALIZE. Personalize this product with your own text and images (if the design allows it) and create a gift for yourself, a loved one, for your event or your business. Product Type Zazzle Businesscard. Style 3.5x2.

A business card featuring your headshot photo and a QR code can be an effective way to make a memorable impression. The front side of the card have a clean and simple black background to provide a backdrop for your photo and QR code. The card, prominently display your headshot photo. The photo should be professionally taken, well-lit, and convey a friendly and approachable demeanor. Ensure that your photo is of high quality and properly edited to match the overall color scheme. Include your name in a bold and legible font. Back Side: Contact Information: include your contact details, such as your phone number, email address, and physical address. Use a clear and easy-to-read font. The card prominently features your QR code. Place it in the designated area of the card. The QR code should be clean, well-defined, and large enough for easy scanning. It can link to your personal website, LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or any other digital resource you want to share. If space allows, you can include a brief tagline or your company logo, depending on your branding preferences. Ensure that these elements complement the overall design without cluttering the card. A business card with your headshot photo and a QR code combines a personal touch with modern technology, making it a versatile and memorable networking tool.

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Product ID: 240686743569673441
Date Created: Fri, 12 May 2017 23:16:31 GMT