Magenta Gold Merry Merry Pattern#31 Id1009 Medium Gift Bag

By Arrayforcards

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Magenta Gold Merry Merry Pattern#31 Id1009 Medium Gift Bag

Fully customizable Magenta Gold Merry Merry Pattern#31 ID1009 Medium Gift Bag created by ARRAYFORCARDS. Personalize this product with your own text and images (if the design allows it) and create a gift for yourself, a loved one, for your event or your business. Product Type Digiwrap Giftbag. Style 7x45x10.

If you are wondering what color combinations to pick for your Christmas decor and gift wrap supplies this year, I've created collections of coordinating patterns to make life just a bit easier. This Christmas gift bag features an elegant ornament design, in an ornate Baroque style of deep magenta and gold with a template to add your name under provided 'merry merry xoxo' text. Search ID1009 to see other products and patterns in this color scheme.

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